Welcome to our classroom website! This site will provide you with information about science classes taught by Mrs. Steinbach. Choose your class by clicking on the appropriate button located on the left side of this page.
I believe in you! As you navigate through your science course this year, find joy in the journey. It will not always be easy. However, with hard work and dedication, as well as my support and the support of your classmates when needed, you will be so proud of the "treasure" you earn along the way.
You've got this! Your education is a gift you can give yourself that no one can take from you. Treat yourself by becoming a life long learner and better yourself everyday. Doing so will open up more opportunities now and in the future allowing you to better achieve any goal, including future goals not yet imagined.
Science is fun!
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About Me: Science Credit Course Options | Teaching Schedule | Credentials
2024-2025 Teaching Schedule [close]
1st Period - Intro to Biochemistry/CVTC Intro to Biochemistry 806-186
2nd Period - Biology
3rd Period - Aquatic Science (Semester I) & Science of Country Life (Semester II)
4th Period - Chemistry
5th Period - Science 7
6th Period - Science 8
7th Period - Science 6
8th Period - Academic Prep
Flex Period - G11
Gilman Middle/High School
325 N Fifth Ave
Gilman, WI 54433