
The Assignment Board is a calendar of our learning. [close]
Below is a past Assignment Board.
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Courses: Biochem (1) | Bio (2) | Aq Sci (3) | Chem (4) | MS Sci (5-8)
Biochem (Hr 1 | 8:10-8:55) [past assignment boards]
10/7 |
10/8 |
10/9 |
10/10 |
10/11 |
Gen Chem Foundations
*ACTIVITY - GOB ChemActivities 30B
*ASSIGN - GOB ChemActivity 30B Exercises #1-5 (try by TODAY, TUE, or WED) |
Gen Chem Foundations *DISCUSS - Sec 10.4 to 10.6
(1) GOB ChemActivity 30B Exercises #1-5 (try by TODAY or WED) &
(2) Sec 10.4 to 10.6 Learning Tasks: Reading/Notes & Practice Problems (DUE TODAY or WED) |
Gen Chem Foundations
*ACTIVITY - add rolodex cards for Ch 10
*ACTIVITY - GOB ChemActivities 31A |
Gen Chem Foundations
*ACTIVITY - GOB ChemActivity 31A
*ASSIGN- GOB ChemActivity 31A Exercises #1-3 (try by TODAY, FRI, or MON) |
Gen Chem Foundations
(1) GOB ChemActivity 31A Exercises #1-3 (try by TODAY or MON),
(2) Sec 10.8 Learning Tasks: Reading/Notes & Practice Problems (try by TODAY or MON), &
(3) Sec 10.6 QUIZ (due TODAY or MON) |
Instructor Notes:
Bio (Hr 2 | 8:58-9:43) [past assignment boards]
10/7 |
10/8 |
10/9 |
10/10 |
10/11 |
Unity and Diversity (U1 Ch 3)
*ACTIVITY - Using Unity to Organize Diversity Part B (complete steps #1, 2, 4, and 3=build the graphic organizer) |
Unity and Diversity (U1 Ch 3)
*ACTIVITY - Using Unity to Organize Diversity Part B (3=build the graphic organizer #2 & active reading)
start complete C3 I#6 Using Unity to Organize Diversity Learning Tasks (due WED or THUR) |
Unity and Diversity (U1 Ch 3)
*ACTIVITY - Class Kingdom Card Sort (complete on white board)
complete C3 I#6 Using Unity to Organize Diversity Learning Tasks (due TODAY or THUR) |
Unity and Diversity (U1 Ch 3)
*ACTIVITY - Using a Dichotomous Key (complete key activity)
*ASSIGN - complete the remaining Dichotomous Key Learning Tasks (complete by TODAY or FRI)
Unity and Diversity (U1 Ch 3)
*ACTIVITY - review for Ch 3 Unity and Diversity, PART 1 TEST via study guide
study for MON Test
Instructor Notes:
Class Kingdom Sort needs to be adjusted for future use
Aquatic Sci (Hr 3 | 9:46-10:31) [past assignment boards]
10/7 |
10/8 |
10/9 |
10/10 |
10/11 |
Freshwater Biodiversity (U2)
*LIVE STUDY - A Drop of Pond Water |
Freshwater Biodiversity (U2)
*LIVE STUDY - Flatworms (Planarians) |
Freshwater Biodiversity (U2)
*LIVE STUDY - Flatworms (Planarians)
*ASSIGN - Flatworm Live Study Submission (due TODAY or THUR) |
Freshwater Biodiversity (U2)
*LIVE STUDY (10 more min) - Flatworms (Planarians)
ACTIVITY- Unwanted Invaders (Part 1) |
Freshwater Biodiversity (U2)
*ACTIVITY- Unwanted Invaders (worked on Part 2 b/c several students absent for Design Gilman) |
Instructor Notes:
NOTE: Planarian long lived; Hydra & Daphnia pulex (not magna) use next day, ship Mon & arrive Wed
Chem (Hr 4 | 10:34-11:19) [past assignment boards]
10/7 |
10/8 |
10/9 |
10/10 |
10/11 |
Alchemy (U1, C3)
*ACTIVITY - play Nuclear Quest game
*ACTIVITY - Old Gold
*DISCUSS - (1) nuclear equations (2) types of nuclear reactions and their equations (3) the formation of new elements (4) nuclear chain reactions
L16 Learning Tasks (due TODAY or TUE)
Alchemy (U1, C3) *ASSIGN-
(1) L16 Learning Tasks (due TODAY)
Ch 3 Learning Tasks (due before class THUR)
(3) study for THUR Ch 3 Test
Alchemy (U1, C3)
*DISCUSS - review of L11-16
(1) Ch 3 Learning Tasks (due before class THUR)
(3) study for THUR Ch 3 Test |
Alchemy (U1, C3)
*TEST - Ch 3, Lessons 11-16
Alchemy (U1, C4)
*PRE-QUIZ - Ch 4 (due TODAY) |
Alchemy (U1, C3)
*DISCUSS - Ch 3 Test
*DISCUSS - The Newest Elements in the Periodic Table - watch Have We Found All the Elements?
Alchemy (U1, C4)
*ACTIVITY - add Ch 4 Learning Log
*ACTIVITY - ChemCatalyst
*LAB - start Technicolor Atoms |
Instructor Notes:
MS Sci (Hr 5-7 | 11:53-2:14) [past assignment boards]
10/7 |
10/8 |
10/9 |
10/10 |
10/11 |
Force and Motion (U2, L1.5)
*ACTIVITY - Force Strength and Change, A2
*ASSIGN - L1.5 Submission (DUE TODAY or TUE) |
Force and Motion (U2, L1.5) *ACTIVITY - Force Cornell Notes (complete on own)
*ASSIGN - complete Sum It Up! (due TODAY or WED) |
Force and Motion (U2, L1.5)
*ACTIVITY - Force Cornell Notes (color code together)
*GAME DAY - Gimkit review
*ASSIGN - complete Sum It Up! REDO (due TODAY or THUR) |
Force and Motion (U2, L1.5) *ACTIVITY - Speed and Velocity Cornell Notes (complete on own)
*ASSIGN - complete Sum It Up! (due TODAY or FRI) |
Force and Motion (U2, L1.5)
*ACTIVITY - Speed and Velocity Cornell Notes (color code together)
*GAME DAY - Blooket review
*ASSIGN - complete Sum It Up! REDOs (due TODAY or MON) |
Instructor Notes:
Gilman Middle/High School
325 N Fifth Ave
Gilman, WI 54433