
The Assignment Board is a calendar of our learning. [close]
Below is a past Assignment Board.
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Courses: Biochem (1) | Bio (2) | Aq Sci (3) | Chem (4) | MS Sci (5-8)
Biochem (Hr 1 | 8:10-8:55) [past assignment boards]
Instructor Notes:
Bio (Hr 2 | 8:58-9:43) [past assignment boards]
9/23 |
9/24 |
9/25 |
9/26 |
9/27 |
Unity and Diversity (U1 Ch 3)
*ACTIVITY - I#4 Decent with Modification (steps 1-6, 8-11) |
Unity and Diversity (U1 Ch 3)
*ACTIVITY - I#4 Decent with Modification (steps 1-6, 8-11) *ACTIVITY - review for Ch 3 Unity and Diversity, PART 1 TEST via study guide
(1) complete C3 I#4 Decent with Modification Learning Tasks (due TODAY or WED) &
(2) study for THUR Test |
Unity and Diversity (U1 Ch 3)
*ACTIVITY - review for Ch 3 Unity and Diversity, PART 1 TEST via study guide
study for THUR Test |
Unity and Diversity (U1 Ch 3)
*TEST - Ch 3 Unity and Diveristy, PART 1 TEST |
Unity and Diversity (U1 Ch 3) *ACTIVITY - Evidence for Common Ancestry Part 1 (add limb diagram to notebook,
complete steps 2c-f, add readings) |
Instructor Notes:
ADD NEXT YEAR Media Aid: When Whales Walked
Aquatic Sci (Hr 3 | 9:46-10:31) [past assignment boards]
Instructor Notes:
Chem (Hr 4 | 10:34-11:19) [past assignment boards]
9/23 |
9/24 |
9/25 |
9/26 |
9/27 |
Alchemy (U1, C3)
*PRE-QUIZ - Ch 3 Pre-Assessment (due TODAY or b/f class TUE)
*ACTIVITY - ChemCatalyst
*ACTIVITY - Atomic Pudding
*DISCUSS - (1) five atomic models (2) simple atomic model (3) scientific models and evidence |
Alchemy (U1, C3)
*DISCUSS - Ch 2 Test
*ACTIVITY - Atomic Pudding
*DISCUSS - (1) five atomic models (2) simple atomic model (3) scientific models and evidence
L11 Learning Tasks (due TODAY or WED) |
Alchemy (U1, C3)
*ACTIVITY - ChemCatalyst
*ACTIVITY - Atoms By Numbers
*DISCUSS - (1) atomic number (2) atomic mass (3) relate today's findings to the alchemy context |
Alchemy (U1, C3)
*ACTIVITY - Atoms By Numbers
*DISCUSS - (1) atomic number (2) atomic mass (3) relate today's findings to the alchemy context
*VIDEO - Just How Small is an Atom? (youtube, 5:27)
*DISCUSS- L12 notes
L12 Learning Tasks (due TODAY or FRI)
Alchemy (U1, C3)
*ACTIVITY - ChemCatalyst
*ACTIVITY - Subatomic Heavyweights
*DISCUS - (1) atomic number, (2) atomic mass, (3) isotopes
L13 Learning Tasks (due TODAY or MON) |
Instructor Notes:
Alchemy (U1, C3)
ADD NEXT YEAR *ACTIVITY - A Penny For Your Thoughts, lab prep and conduct lab
MS Sci (Hr 5-7 | 11:53-2:14) [past assignment boards]
9/23 |
9/24 |
9/25 |
9/26 |
9/27 |
Force and Motion (U2, L1.1)
*ASSIGN- L1.1 Pre-Assessment (DUE TODAY or TUE)
Force and Motion (U2, L1.2)
*ACTIVITY - start set up of notebook with unit title page and 3 vocab foldables
*ASSIGN - L1.2 Describing Changes in Energy, Warm-Up (DUE TODAY or TUE) |
Force and Motion (U2, L1.2) *VIDEO - The Missing Seconds Video, AT
*ACTIVITY - Discuss What Happened to the Pod, A2
*ACTIVITY - Exploring Changes in Motion Lab, A3
*ACTIVITY - Discussing Changes in Motion, A4
*ASSIGN - L1.2 Submission (DUE TODAY or WED)
Force and Motion (U2, L.1.3)
*ACTIVITY - Investigating Direction of Force, Warm-Up
*ACTIVITY - Exploring the Force and Motion Sim, A2
*ACTIVITY - Gathering Evidence About Velocity Changes, A3
*ACTIVITY - How the Pod Changed Its Velocity, A4 |
Force and Motion (U2, L.1.3)
*ACTIVITY - How the Pod Changed Its Velocity, A4
*ASSIGN - L1.3 Submission & Homework in Amplify (DUE TODAY or FRI)
Force and Motion (U2, L.1.4)
*ACTIVITY - Explaining Force and Velocity, Warm-Up
*ACTIVITY - Investigating Strong and Weak Forces, A3 |
Force and Motion (U2, L.1.4)
*ACTIVITY - Investigating Strong and Weak Forces, A3 |
Instructor Notes:
Gilman Middle/High School
325 N Fifth Ave
Gilman, WI 54433